Adrian Kantian (Group Leader)

Position: Associate professor (HWU) / Associate senior lecturer (UU)

Contact: HWU email / UU email

Location: Scott Russell building, office G.09 (HWU) / Office 93423, Ångström building, Polacksbacken (UU)

Research Areas and Interests: Low-dimensional correlated quantum systems, superconductivity, ultracold gases, quantum simulation, chiral many-body states, Density Matrix Renormalization Group (DMRG), numerical physics, parallel supercomputing

Biography: I obtained my Diploma from Leibniz University Hannover in the group of Maciej Lewenstein, followed by the PhD from the University of Innsbruck, working with Peter Zoller, which I completed in 2010. Afterwards, I joined Thierry Giamarchi at the University of Geneva as a postdoctoral researcher until 2015. During this time I participated extensively in the MAQUIS collaboration between U. Geneva (Giamarchi group), EPF Lausanne (Mila group) and ETH Zürich (Troyer group) to develop parallelized density matrix renormalization group (pDMRG) codes for use on parallel supercomputers. This was followed by an independent Fellowship at the Nordic Institute for Theoretical Physics, NORDITA (Stockholm) until 2017. That year I was awarded a Starting Grant by the European Research Council and joined the Department of Physics and Astronomy of Uppsala University as as associate senior lecturer, building up a group devoted in particular to novel numerical and analytical theory for engineering unconventional superconductors with controlled properties from low-dimensional materials. In 2020, I joined Heriot-Watt University in Edinburgh as an associate professor, transferring the major part of my ERC-supported research.

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