Mini golf!
We went for a round of mini golf as a group activity activity just before the summer holidays. Some played for the first time, others were already really good, but everyone had fun and did great (the hardest part was Continue Reading …
Quantum Matter Theory
We went for a round of mini golf as a group activity activity just before the summer holidays. Some played for the first time, others were already really good, but everyone had fun and did great (the hardest part was Continue Reading …
Very happy to announce that Annica has been selected as a Wallenberg Scholar by the Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation. This means generous five-year funding for the project “A New Open Era of Ordering: Using Non-Hermiticity for Enhanced Superconductivity”. See foundation Continue Reading …
Annica is very happy and honored to have been awarded the 2023 Rudbeck Medal by Uppsala University. It is awarded ‘for extraordinarily prominent achievements in science, to be conferred primarily for such accomplishments or findings attained at Uppsala University.’ The Continue Reading …
This fall we have said goodbye to our old postdocs Tanay and Debmalya who both left for exciting new academic jobs and welcomed Ankita, Arnob, and Aksel as new postdocs and Florian as a Ph.D. student to the group. In Continue Reading …
Extremely happy to have received five more years of funding from the ERC, in the form of an ERC Consolidator Grant for the project SUPERLAND: A new SUPERconducting LANDscape – using nanoscale inhomogeneity for enhanced superconductivity. See university webpage for Continue Reading …
Just earlier this month Debmalya’s and Annica’s work on how quasiparticle interference can be used as direct probe of odd-frequency superconductivity was published in Physical Review Letters, selected as an Editors’ Suggestion, see link. The results were further featured with Continue Reading …
We’re happy to announced that we have received funding for a Ph.D. student together with Jorge Cayao within the WISE project (Wallenberg Initiative Materials Science for Sustainability). The advertisement for the position is already out, for more information see Vacancies.
We’re extremely happy to have received five years of funding from the Swedish Research Council (Vetenskapsrådet, VR) in the form of a Consolidator Grant. For more information, see the University and Department news pages.
Last but not least, Oladunjoye Awoga also successfully defended his Ph.D. thesis this spring, making it three Ph.D. graduates in our group this year! On June 11th he defended his thesis “Studies of topological superconductors via defects” with Prof. Pascal Continue Reading …
On May 25th Tomas Löthman defended his Ph.D. thesis “Robust Platforms for Superconductivity: Disorder Robustness and Topological Density of States Peaks” with Prof. Carsten Honerkamp, RWTH Aachen as the opponent. The pandemic kept the lecture hall attendance down to Tomas and the chair with everyone Continue Reading …
Big congratulations to Johann Schmidt who very successfully defended his Ph.D. thesis “Topological superconductivity in multi orbital materials” on November 20th! Opponent was Prof. Karyn Le Hur from École Polytechnique. Due to the pandemic the lecture hall was almost empty, Continue Reading …
Congratulations to Suhas Nahas who successfully defended his Licentiate thesis (half-way Ph.D. thesis) on November 13th, with Prof. Carlo Canali, Linnaeus University as opponent.
We’re very happy to have received five more years of generous support from the Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation through a prolongation of the Wallenberg Academy Fellows grant. It’ll allow us to continue exploring new frontiers of topological quantum matter, Continue Reading …
We went to Krusenberg Herrgård and spent a nice and crisp fall day discussing future research plans and how to organize our work even better. Lots of good ideas and discussions!
We are very happy to have received a new large collaborative grant on “Dynamic Quantum Matter” funded for five years by the Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundations together with Alexander Balatsky (Nordita), Jens Bardarson (KTH), Emil Bergholtz (Stockholm), and Stefano Continue Reading …
Read in our latest Phys. Rev. Lett. publication how differentiate between fake and true Majorana states in nanowire Josephson junctions, just by measuring the Josephson current. Also featured in a press release from the university, here in English and Swedish.
Annica spent the week teaching about odd-frequency superconductivity at the Nicolas Cabrera summer school outside Madrid.
On one of the last days of summer (?) we got together for a lunch BBQ. We had some delicious food, but most importantly, we said goodbye to two postdocs, wishing them the best of luck in their future very Continue Reading …
During August we’re organizing a 4-week program with an embedded 4-day conference: Topological Quantum Matter: From Low-Temperature Physics to Non-Equilibrium Dynamics together with Jens Bardarson (KTH), Emil Bergholtz (Stockholm), Jan Budich (TU Dresden), and Roni Ilan (Tel Aviv) at Nordita, Continue Reading …
We dropped our regular work for a day and went on a group hike to Lunsentorpet, a nice 10km forest hike outside Uppsala, for a picnic lunch and camp fire. Everyone had a great time: good company, nice weather and Continue Reading …
Spring has been quite busy as we’ve been giving talks and attending several conferences and workshops, including the Majorana and beyond workshop in Warsaw, the Bound states in superconductors workshop at MPI-PKS Dresden, the Strontium Ruthenate workshop at ETH Zürich, the Continue Reading …
Congratulations to Ola who successfully defended his Licentiate thesis today with Prof. Tomas Löfwander, Chalmers as the opponent!
We got together for a group dinner at a Lebanese restaurant for a good start on the new year.
Another Phys. Rev. B for the new year. This time on “Gap oscillations and Majorana bound states in magnetic chains on superconducting honeycomb lattices” published just now as Phys. Rev. B 99, 035127 (2019). This was the result of a Continue Reading …
It’s not exactly every day we have two articles published on the same day, but it happened today! Read about how impurities can detect non-trivial topology and how high-temperature cuprate superconductors can significantly enhance the temperature at which to find Continue Reading …
We currently have several open positions, both on the Ph.D. and postdoc level. Please check under Vacancies for more information.
December 10-14th we are organizing an international workshop on Dynamic Quantum Matter at Nordita in Stockholm, with exciting topics and speakers:
Annica received a new Swedish Research Council (VR) project grant for the period 2019-2022 for the project: New topological superconductors using flat bands, orbital effects, and quantum critical points.
Jorge Cayao is visiting Prof. Jan Carl Budich at TU Dresden for three months on a KVA fellowship.
Annica is teaching two lectures on topological superconductivity at the EU-COST Action NANOCOHYBRI Quantum Materials graduate school in Braga, Portugal and Jorge is giving a talk on odd-frequency superconductivity in topological insulators at the accompanying workshop.