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We focus on atomistic modelling of materials which can be broadly categorized into two subject areas: nanobiotechnology and amorphous solids. In the first area, the primary goal is to computationally design and explore nano-architectures that allow for new physical approaches to probe biological molecules. One of the main applications that motivates our studies is the possibility to use nanopores for sequencing DNA or studying proteins. - Regarding the second area, we are carrying out research on a challenging class of non-crystalline materials known as amorphous solids or glasses. Among other aspects, we are interested in how the diffusivity of hydrogen can be controlled by synthesizing specific compositions in the amorphous phase.
Principal investigator
Ralph Scheicher
phone: +46 708 593 518
office: Å93404
Research: Nanobiotechnology and Amorphous Solids
Curriculum Vitae
Sohal Sondarva
(co-advisor; main advisor: Gunnar Pálsson)
Research: Hydrogen diffusion in amorphous materials
PhD students
Lennart Spode
(co-advisor; main advisor: Gunnar Pálsson)
Research: Hydrogen diffusion in amorphous materials
Master's students
Victor Freedman
Master's Programme in Biophysics
Research: Protein sequencing using nanopores
Fabrizio Tabasso
Master's Programme in Biophysics
Research: Protein sequencing using nanopores
Previous members
Johan Bylin
(PhD student, 2019-2024, co-advisor; main advisor: Gunnar Pálsson)
Thesis: The interaction of hydrogen with metallic glass
Paulius Malinovskis
(Postdoc, 2020-2022)
Altris AB
Research: Hydrogen diffusion in amorphous materials
Rodrigo G. Amorim
(Postdoc, 2012-2014)
Research: DNA sequencing using nano-devices
Robert Johansson
(PhD student, 2011-2016)
Thesis: Metal Hydrogen Interaction and Structural Characterization of Amorphous Materials from first principles
Sebastian Cardoch
(Master student, 2020)
Research: Protein sequencing using nanopores
Ernane de Freitas Martins
(visiting PhD student from São Paulo State University, Brazil, 2017)
Research: Detection of DNA hybridization with graphene
Ganesh Sivaraman
(visiting PhD student from University of Stuttgart, Germany, 2014 and 2015)
Research: DNA sequencing with functionalized electrodes
Fábio A.L. de Souza
(visiting PhD student from Fluminense Federal University, Brazil, 2014-2015)
Research: Interfacing 2D materials for sensing applications
Johan Bylin, Rebecka Lindblad, Lennart Spode, Ralph H. Scheicher, and Gunnar K. Pálsson
Influence of hydrogen on the electronic structure in the transition metallic glass V80Zr20
Physical Review B 111, 035128 (2025)
Pedro Elias Priori Spalenza, Fábio Arthur Leão de Souza, Rodrigo G. Amorim, Ralph H. Scheicher, and Wanderlã Luis Scopel
A high density nanopore 3-triangulene kagome lattice
Nanoscale 16, 9911-9916 (2024)
Giuseppe Muscas, Robert Johansson, Sebastian George, Martina Ahlberg, Dimitri Arvanitis, Rajeev Ahuja, Ralph H. Scheicher, and Petra E. Jönsson
Unveiling the local structure of the amorphous metal Fe(1−x)Zrx combining first-principles-based simulations and modelling of EXAFS spectra
Scientific Reports 13, 4983 (2023)
Johan Bylin, Paulius Malinovskis, Anton Devishvili, Ralph H. Scheicher, and Gunnar K. Pálsson
Hydrogen-induced volume changes, dipole tensor, and elastic hydrogen-hydrogen interaction in a metallic glass
Physical Review B 106, 104110 (2022)
Ernane de Freitas Martins, Ralph Hendrik Scheicher, Alexandre Reily Rocha, and Gustavo Troiano Feliciano
A multiscale approach for electronic transport simulation of carbon nanostructures in aqueous solvent
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 24, 24404-24412 (2022)
Maciej Kaplan, Johan Bylin, Paulius Malinovskis, Ralph H. Scheicher, and Gunnar K. Pálsson
Hydrogen-induced enhancement of thermal stability in VZr(H) metallic glasses
Materialia 24, 101496 (2022)
Jariyanee Prasongkit, Sirichok Jungthawan, Rodrigo G. Amorim, and Ralph H. Scheicher
Single-molecule DNA sequencing using two-dimensional Ti2C(OH)2 MXene nanopores: A first-principles investigation
Nano Research 15, 9843–9849 (2022)
Sebastian Cardoch, Nicusor Timneanu, Carl Caleman, and Ralph H. Scheicher
Distinguishing between Similar Miniproteins with Single-Molecule Nanopore Sensing: A Computational Study
ACS Nanoscience Au 2, 119-127 (2022)
Kuan Wang, Qing Hu, Bin Gao, Qi Lin, Fu-Wei Zhuge, Da-You Zhang, Lun Wang, Yu-Hui He, Ralph H. Scheicher, Hao Tong, and Xiang-Shui Miao
Threshold switching memristor-based stochastic neurons for probabilistic computing
Materials Horizons 8, 619-629 (2021)
Fábio A. L. de Souza, Ganesh Sivaraman, Maria Fyta, Ralph H. Scheicher, Wanderla L. Scopel, and Rodrigo Garcia Amorim
Electrically Sensing Hachimoji DNA nucleotides through a hybrid graphene/h-BN nanopore
Nanoscale 12, 18289-18295 (2020)
Ernane de Freitas Martins, Rodrigo G. Amorim, Gustavo Troiano Feliciano, Ralph Hendrik Scheicher, and Alexandre Reily Rocha
The role of water on the electronic transport in graphene nanogap devices designed for DNA sequencing
Carbon 158, 314-319 (2020)
Fábio A. L. de Souza, Rodrigo G. Amorim, Wanderlã L. Scopel, and Ralph H. Scheicher
Controlled current confinement in interfaced 2D nanosensor for electrical identification of DNA
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 21, 24884-24890 (2019), inside back cover
- Pan Zhang, Min Xia, Fuwei Zhuge, Yue Zhou, Zhenyu Wang, Boyi Dong, Yaoyao Fu, Kecheng Yang, Yi Li, Yuhui He, Ralph H. Scheicher, and Xiang Shui Miao
Nanochannel-Based Transport in an Interfacial Memristor Can Emulate the Analog Weight Modulation of Synapses
Nano Letters 19, 4279-4286 (2019)
- Ernane de Freitas Martins, Gustavo Troiano Feliciano, Ralph Hendrik Scheicher, and Alexandre Reily Rocha
Simulating DNA Chip Design Using All-Electronic Graphene-Based Substrates
Molecules 24, 951 (2019)
- Jariyanee Prasongkit, Ernane F. Martins, Fábio A. L. de Souza, Wanderlã L. Scopel, Rodrigo G. Amorim, Vittaya Amornkitbamrung, Alexandre R. Rocha, and Ralph H. Scheicher
Topological Line Defects Around Graphene Nanopores for DNA Sequencing
Journal of Physical Chemistry C 122, 7094-7099 (2018)
- Hadi Arjmandi-Tash, Amedeo Bellunato, Chenyu Wen, René C. Olsthoorn, Ralph H. Scheicher, Shi-Li Zhang, and Grégory F. Schneider
Zero-depth interfacial nanopore capillaries
Advanced Materials 30, 1703602 (2018), cover picture
- Hakkim Vovusha, Rodrigo G. Amorim, Ralph H. Scheicher, and Biplab Sanyal
Controlling the orientation of nucleobases by dipole moment interaction with graphene/h-BN interfaces
RSC Advances 8, 6527-6531 (2018)
- Gustavo T. Feliciano, Carlos Sanz-Navarro, Mauricio Domingues Coutinho-Neto, Pablo Ordejón, Ralph H. Scheicher, and Alexandre Reily Rocha
Addressing the Environment Electrostatic Effect on Ballistic Electron Transport in Large Systems: A QM/MM-NEGF Approach
Journal of Physical Chemistry B 122, 485-492 (2018)
- Fábio A. L. de Souza, Rodrigo G. Amorim, Jariyanee Prasongkit, Wanderlã L. Scopel, Ralph H. Scheicher, and Alexandre R. Rocha
Topological line defects in graphene for applications in gas sensing
Carbon 129, 803-808 (2018)
- Malkolm Hinnemo, Jie Zhao, Patrik Ahlberg, Carl Hägglund, Viktor Djurberg, Ralph H. Scheicher, Shi-Li Zhang, and Zhi-Bin Zhang
On Monolayer Formation of Pyrenebutyric Acid on Graphene
Langmuir 33, 3588-3593 (2017)
- Lennard Mooij, Wen Huang, Sotirios A. Droulias, Robert Johansson, Ola Hartmann, Xiao Xin, Heikki Palonen, Ralph H. Scheicher, Max Wolff, and Björgvin Hjörvarsson
Influence of site occupancy on diffusion of hydrogen in vanadium
Physical Review B 95, 064310 (2017)
- Ganesh Sivaraman, Rodrigo G. Amorim, Ralph H. Scheicher, and Maria Fyta
Insights into the detection of mutations and epigenetic markers using diamondoid-functionalized sensors
RSC Advances 7, 43064-43072 (2017)
- Fábio A. L. de Souza, Rodrigo G. Amorim, Wanderlã L. Scopel, and Ralph H. Scheicher
Electrical detection of nucleotides via nanopores in a hybrid graphene/h-BN sheet
Nanoscale 9, 2207-2212 (2017)
- Ganesh Sivaraman, Fábio A. L. de Souza, Rodrigo G. Amorim, Wanderlã L. Scopel, Maria Fyta, and Ralph H. Scheicher
Electronic Transport along Hybrid MoS2 Monolayers
Journal of Physical Chemistry C 120, 23389-23396 (2016)
- Ganesh Sivaraman, Rodrigo G. Amorim, Ralph H. Scheicher, and Maria Fyta
Benchmark investigation of diamondoid-functionalized electrodes for nanopore DNA sequencing
Nanotechnology 27, 414002 (2016)
- Fábio A. L. de Souza, Rodrigo G. Amorim, Wanderlã L. Scopel, and Ralph H. Scheicher
Nano-structured interface of graphene and h-BN for sensing applications
Nanotechnology 27, 365503 (2016)
- Rodrigo G. Amorim, Alexandre Reily Rocha, and Ralph H. Scheicher
Boosting DNA Recognition Sensitivity of Graphene Nanogaps through Nitrogen Edge Functionalization
Journal of Physical Chemistry C 120, 19384-19388 (2016)
- Reji Nedumkandathil, Verina F. Kranak, Robert Johansson, Jonas Ångström, Oliver Balmes, Mikael S. Andersson, Per Nordblad, Ralph H. Scheicher, Martin Sahlberg, and Ulrich Häussermann
Hydrogenation induced structure and property changes in GdGa
Journal of Solid State Chemistry 239, 184-191 (2016)
- Yuhui He, Makusu Tsutsui, Ralph H. Scheicher, Xiang Shui Miao, and Masateru Taniguchi
Salt-Gradient Approach for Regulating Capture-to-Translocation Dynamics of DNA with Nanochannel Sensors
ACS Sensors 1, 807-816 (2016)
- Chenyu Wen, Shuangshuang Zeng, Zhen Zhang, Klas Hjort, Ralph Scheicher, and Shi-Li Zhang
On nanopore DNA sequencing by signal and noise analysis of ionic current
Nanotechnology 27, 215502 (2016)
- Jonas Ångström, Robert Johansson, Tapati Sarkar, Magnus H. Sørby, Claudia Zlotea, Mikael S. Andersson, Per Nordblad, Ralph H. Scheicher, Ulrich Häussermann, and Martin Sahlberg
Hydrogenation-Induced Structure and Property Changes in the Rare-Earth Metal Gallide NdGa: Evolution of a [GaH]2− Polyanion Containing Peierls-like Ga−H Chains
Inorganic Chemistry 55, 345-352 (2016)
- Ganesh Sivaraman, Rodrigo G. Amorim, Ralph H. Scheicher, and Maria Fyta
Diamondoid-functionalized gold nanogaps as sensors for natural, mutated, and epigenetically modified DNA nucleotides
Nanoscale 8, 10105-10112 (2016)
- Soumyajyoti Haldar, Rodrigo G. Amorim, Biplab Sanyal, Ralph H. Scheicher, and Alexandre R. Rocha
Energetic stability, STM fingerprints and electronic transport properties of defects in graphene and silicene
RSC Advances 6, 6702-6708 (2016)
- Jariyanee Prasongkit, Gustavo T. Feliciano, Alexandre R. Rocha, Yuhui He, Tanakorn Osotchan, Rajeev Ahuja, and Ralph H. Scheicher
Theoretical assessment of feasibility to sequence DNA through interlayer electronic tunneling transport at aligned nanopores in bilayer graphene
Scientific Reports 5, 17560 (2015)
- Sun-Woo Kim, Hyun-Jung Kim, Jin-Ho Choi, Ralph H. Scheicher, and Jun-Hyung Cho
Contrasting interedge superexchange interactions of graphene nanoribbons embedded in h-BN and graphane
Physical Review B 92, 035443 (2015)
- Jariyanee Prasongkit, Rodrigo G. Amorim, Sudip Chakraborty, Rajeev Ahuja, Ralph H. Scheicher, and Vittaya Amornkitbamrung
Highly Sensitive and Selective Gas Detection Based on Silicene
Journal of Physical Chemistry C 119, 16934-16940 (2015)
- Robert Johansson, Rajeev Ahuja, Olle Eriksson, Björgvin Hjörvarsson, and Ralph H. Scheicher
Effect of uniaxial strain on the site occupancy of hydrogen in vanadium from density-functional calculations
Scientific Reports 5, 10301 (2015)
- Rodrigo G. Amorim and Ralph H. Scheicher
Silicene as a new potential DNA sequencing device
Nanotechnology 26, 154002 (2015)
- Gustavo T. Feliciano, Carlos Sanz-Navarro, Mauricio Domingues Coutinho-Neto, Pablo Ordejón, Ralph H. Scheicher, and Alexandre Reily Rocha
Capacitive DNA Detection Driven by Electronic Charge Fluctuations in a Graphene Nanopore
Physical Review Applied 3, 034003 (2015)
- Rafael B. Araujo, Ralph H. Scheicher, J. S. de Almeida, A. Ferreira da Silva, and Rajeev Ahuja
Lithium transport investigation in LixFeSiO4: A promising cathode material
Solid State Communications 173, 9-13 (2013)
- Rafael B. Araujo, Ralph H. Scheicher, J. S. de Almeida, A. Ferreira da Silva, and Rajeev Ahuja
First-principles investigation of Li ion diffusion in Li2FeSiO4
Solid State Ionics 247-248, 8-14 (2013)
- Yuhui He, Makusu Tsutsui, Ralph H. Scheicher, Chun Fan, Masateru Taniguchi, and Tomoji Kawai
Mechanism of How Salt-Gradient-Induced Charges Affect the Translocation of DNA Molecules through a Nanopore
Biophysical Journal 105, 776-782 (2013)
- Jonas Ångström, Robert Johansson, Line Holdt Rude, Carsten Gundlach, Ralph H. Scheicher, Rajeev Ahuja, Olle Eriksson, Torben R. Jensen, and Martin Sahlberg
Hydrogen storage properties of the pseudo binary laves phase (Sc1-xZrx)(Co1-yNiy)2 system
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 38, 9772-9778 (2013)
- Jariyanee Prasongkit, Anton Grigoriev, Biswarup Pathak, Rajeev Ahuja, and Ralph H. Scheicher
Theoretical Study of Electronic Transport through DNA Nucleotides in a Double-Functionalized Graphene Nanogap
Journal of Physical Chemistry C 117, 15421-15428 (2013)
- Jun-Ho Lee, Yun-Ki Choi, Hyun-Jung Kim, Ralph H. Scheicher, and Jun-Hyung Cho
Physisorption of DNA Nucleobases on h-BN and Graphene: vdW-Corrected DFT Calculations
Journal of Physical Chemistry C 117, 13435-13441 (2013)
- Nannan Li, Geunsik Lee, Jae Won Yang, Heeyoung Kim, Min Sun Yeom, Ralph H. Scheicher, Jai Sam Kim, and Kwang S. Kim
Noncovalent Functionalization with Alkali Metal to Separate Semiconducting from Metallic Carbon Nanotubes: A Theoretical Study
Journal of Physical Chemistry C 117, 4309-4313 (2013)
- Yuhui He, Makusu Tsutsui, Ralph H. Scheicher, Fan Bai, Masateru Taniguchi, and Tomoji Kawai
Thermophoretic Manipulation of DNA Translocation through Nanopores
ACS Nano 7, 538-546 (2013)
- Ranjit Pati, R. H. Pink, R. H. Scheicher, Narayan Sahoo, S. N. Ray, and T. P. Das
Nuclear Quadrupole Interactions in Nuclear Quadrupole Resonance Detection of Energetic and Controlled Materials: Theoretical Study
Applied Magnetic Resonance 43, 591-617 (2012)
- Shuanglin Hu, S.-Y. Li, R. Ahuja, C. G. Granqvist, K. Hermansson, G. A. Niklasson, and R. H. Scheicher
Optical properties of Mg-doped VO2: Absorption measurements and hybrid functional calculations
Applied Physics Letters 101, 201902 (2012)
- Ralph H. Scheicher, Anton Grigoriev, and Rajeev Ahuja
DNA sequencing with nanopores from an ab initio perspective
Journal of Materials Science 47, 7439-7446 (2012)
- Zhao Qian, M. Sterlin Leo Hudson, Himanshu Raghubanshi, Ralph H. Scheicher, Biswarup Pathak, C. Moysés Araújo, Andreas Blomqvist, Börje Johansson, O. N. Srivastava, and Rajeev Ahuja
Excellent Catalytic Effects of Graphene Nanofibers on Hydrogen Release of NaAlH4
Journal of Physical Chemistry C 116, 10861-10866 (2012)
- Biswarup Pathak, Henrik Löfås, Jariyanee Prasongkit, Anton Grigoriev, Rajeev Ahuja, and Ralph H. Scheicher
Double-functionalized nanopore-embedded gold electrodes for rapid DNA sequencing
Applied Physics Letters 100, 023701 (2012), cover image, featured in APL 50th Anniversary Editor's Picks
- Xiaoliang Zhong, Rodrigo G. Amorim, Ralph H. Scheicher, Ravindra Pandey, and Shashi P. Karna
Electronic structure and quantum transport properties of trilayers formed from graphene and boron nitride
Nanoscale 4, 5490-5498 (2012)
- Wen Li, Ling Miao, Ralph H. Scheicher, Zhitao Xiong, Guotao Wu, C. Moysés Araújo, Andreas Blomqvist, Rajeev Ahuja, Yuanping Feng, and Ping Chen
Li–Na Ternary amidoborane for hydrogen storage: experimental and first-principles study
Dalton Transactions 41, 4754-4764 (2012), cover image
- Saikat Mukhopadhyay, Ralph H. Scheicher, Ravindra Pandey, and Shashi P. Karna
Sensitivity of Boron Nitride Nanotubes toward Biomolecules of Different Polarities
Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 2, 2442-2447 (2011)
- Tanveer Hussain, Biswarup Pathak, Tuhina Adit Maark, Carlos Moyses Araujo, Ralph H. Scheicher, and Rajeev Ahuja
Ab initio study of lithium-doped graphane for hydrogen storage
EPL 96, 27013 (2011)
- Duck Young Kim, Ralph H. Scheicher, Chris J. Pickard, R. J. Needs, and R. Ahuja
Predicted Formation of Superconducting Platinum-Hydride Crystals under Pressure in the Presence of Molecular Hydrogen
Physical Review Letters 107, 117002 (2011), selected for Editorial Suggestion and for APS Physics Synopsis
- Ralph H. Scheicher, Sa Li, C Moyses Araujo, Andreas Blomqvist, Rajeev Ahuja, and Puru Jena
Theoretical study of C60 as catalyst for dehydrogenation in LiBH4
Nanotechnology 22, 335401 (2011)
- Yuhui He, Ralph H. Scheicher, Anton Grigoriev, Rajeev Ahuja, Shibing Long, ZongLiang Huo, and Ming Liu
Enhanced DNA Sequencing Performance Through Edge-Hydrogenation of Graphene Electrodes
Advanced Functional Materials 21, 2674-2679 (2011), inside front cover
- Jariyanee Prasongkit, Anton Grigoriev, Biswarup Pathak, Rajeev Ahuja, and Ralph H. Scheicher
Transverse Conductance of DNA Nucleotides in a Graphene Nanogap from First Principles
Nano Letters 11, 1941-1945 (2011)
- P. Srepusharawoot, A. Blomqvist, C. M. Araújo, R. H. Scheicher, and R. Ahuja
Hydrogen binding in alkali-decorated iso-reticular metal organic framework-16 based on Zn, Mg, and Ca
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 36, 555-562 (2011)
- Wen Li, Ralph H. Scheicher, C. Moysés Araújo, Guotao Wu, Andreas Blomqvist, Chenzhang Wu, Rajeev Ahuja, Yuan Ping Feng, and Ping Chen
Understanding from First-Principles Why LiNH2BH3·NH3BH3 Shows Improved Dehydrogenation over LiNH2BH3 and NH3BH3
Journal of Physical Chemistry C 114, 19089-19095 (2010)
- Pornjuk Srepusharawoot, Andreas Blomqvist, C. Moysés Araújo, Ralph H. Scheicher, and Rajeev Ahuja
One-dimensional polymeric carbon structure based on five-membered rings in alkaline earth metal dicarbides BeC2 and MgC2
Physical Review B 82, 125439 (2010)
- Yuhui He, Lubing Shao, Ralph H. Scheicher, Anton Grigoriev, Rajeev Ahuja, Shibing Long, Zhuoyu Ji, Zhaoan Yu, and Ming Liu
Differential conductance as a promising approach for rapid DNA sequencing with nanopore-embedded electrodes
Applied Physics Letters 97, 043701 (2010), cover image
- Andreas Blomqvist, C. Moysés Araújo, Ralph H. Scheicher, Pornjuk Srepusharawoot, Wen Li, Ping Chen, and Rajeev Ahuja
Hydrogen as promoter and inhibitor of superionicity: A case study on Li-N-H systems
Physical Review B 82, 024304 (2010)
- Saikat Mukhopadhyay, S. Gowtham, Ralph H. Scheicher, Ravindra Pandey, and Shashi P. Karna
Theoretical study of physisorption of nucleobases on boron nitride nanotubes: a new class of hybrid nano-biomaterials
Nanotechnology 21, 165703 (2010)
- R. H. Pink, S. R. Badu, R. H. Scheicher, Lee Chow, M. B. Huang, and T. P. Das
First-principles cluster study of electronic structures, locations and hyperfine interactions of isolated atoms and ions in silicon
Hyperfine Interactions 197, 37-41 (2010)
- S. R. Badu, R. H. Pink, R. H. Scheicher, Archana Dubey, N. Sahoo, K. Nagamine, and T. P. Das
First principles electronic structure investigation of order of singlet and triplet states of oxyhemoglobin and analysis of possible influence of muon trapping
Hyperfine Interactions 197, 331-340 (2010)
- Duck Young Kim, Ralph H. Scheicher, Ho-kwang Mao, Tae W. Kang, and Rajeev Ahuja
General trend for pressurized superconducting hydrogen-dense materials
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA 107, 2793-2796 (2010)
- Wen Li, Guotao Wu, C. Moysés Araújo, Ralph H. Scheicher, Andreas Blomqvist, Rajeev Ahuja, Zhitao Xiong, Yuanping Feng, and Ping Chen
Li+ ion conductivity and diffusion mechanism in a-Li3N and b-Li3N
Energy & Environmental Science 3, 1524-1530 (2010)
- Yuhui He, Ralph H. Scheicher, Anton Grigoriev, Rajeev Ahuja, Shibing Long, Zhuoyu Ji, Zhaoan Yu, and Ming Liu
Fast DNA sequencing via transverse differential conductance
IEEE, International Conference on Simulation of Semiconductor Processes and Devices, 313-316 (2010)
- Duck Young Kim, Ralph H. Scheicher, and Rajeev Ahuja
Predicted high-temperature superconducting state in the hydrogen-dense transition-metal hydride YH3 at 40 K and 17.7 GPa
Physical Review Letters 103, 077002 (2009)
- Pornjuk Srepusharawoot, Ralph H. Scheicher, C. Moysés Araújo, Andreas Blomqvist, Udomsilp Pinsook, and Rajeev Ahuja
Ab Initio Study of Molecular Hydrogen Adsorption in Covalent Organic Framework-1
Journal of Physical Chemistry C 113, 8489-8504 (2009)
- C. Moysés Araújo, Andreas Blomqvist, Ralph H. Scheicher, Ping Chen, and Rajeev Ahuja
Superionicity in the hydrogen storage material Li2NH: Molecular dynamics simulations
Physical Review B 79, 172101 (2009)
- Polly A. Berseth, Andrew G. Harter, Ragaiy Zidan, Andreas Blomqvist, C. Moysés Araújo, Ralph H. Scheicher, Rajeev Ahuja, and Puru Jena
Carbon Nanomaterials as Catalysts for Hydrogen Uptake and Release in NaAlH4
Nano Letters 9, 1501-1505 (2009)
- M. Ramzan, F. Silvearv, A. Blomqvist, R. H. Scheicher, S. Lebègue, and R. Ahuja
Structural and energetic analysis of the hydrogen storage materials LiNH2BH3 and NaNH2BH3 from ab initio calculations
Physical Review B 79, 132102 (2009)
- J. Nisar, R. H. Scheicher, X. Peng, and R. Ahuja
Stability of ferromagnetic phase in Fe-doped AlH3
EPL 85, 67006 (2009)
- Jianhui Wang, Tao Liu, Guotao Wu, Wen Li, Yongfeng Liu, C. Moysés Araújo, Ralph H. Scheicher, Andreas Blomqvist, Rajeev Ahuja, Zhitao Xiong, Ping Yang, Mingxia Gao, Hongge Pan, and Ping Chen
Potassium-Modified Mg(NH2)2/2 LiH System for Hydrogen Storage
Angewandte Chemie International Edition 48, 5828-5832 (2009), frontispiece of Communications section
- Pornjuk Srepusharawoot, C. Moysés Araújo, Andreas Blomqvist, Ralph H. Scheicher, and Rajeev Ahuja
A comparative investigation of H2 adsorption strength in Cd- and Zn-based metal organic framework-5
Journal of Chemical Physics 129, 164104 (2008)
- D. Y. Kim, R. H. Scheicher, S. Lebègue, J. Prasongkit, B. Arnaud, M. Alouani, and R. Ahuja
Crystal structure of the pressure-induced metallic phase of SiH4 from ab initio theory
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 105, 16454-16459 (2008)
- D. Y. Kim, R. H. Scheicher, and R. Ahuja
Dynamical stability of the cubic metallic phase of AlH3 at ambient pressure: Density functional calculations
Physical Review B (Rapid Communications) 78, 100102(R) (2008)
- M. D. Deshpande, Ralph H. Scheicher, Rajeev Ahuja, and Ravindra Pandey
Binding Strength of Sodium Ions in Cellulose for Different Water Contents
Journal of Physical Chemistry B 112, 8985-8989 (2008)
- Udomsilp Pinsook, Ralph H. Scheicher, Rajeev Ahuja, and Supot Hannongbua
Internal Vibrations of the Li(NH3)4+ Complex Analyzed from Ab Initio, Density Functional Theory, And the Classical Spring Network Model
Journal of Physical Chemistry A 112, 5323-5326 (2008)
- R. H. Scheicher, D. Y. Kim, S. Lebègue, B. Arnaud, M. Alouani, and R. Ahuja
Cubic metallic phase of aluminum hydride showing improved hydrogen desorption
Applied Physics Letters 92, 201903 (2008)
- S. Gowtham, Ralph H. Scheicher, Ravindra Pandey, Shashi P. Karna, and Rajeev Ahuja
First-principles study of physisorption of nucleic acid bases on small-diameter carbon nanotubes
Nanotechnology 19, 125701 (2008)
- Haiying He, Ralph H. Scheicher, Ravindra Pandey, Alexandre Reily Rocha, Stefano Sanvito, Anton Grigoriev, Rajeev Ahuja, and Shashi P. Karna
Functionalized Nanopore-Embedded Electrodes for Rapid DNA Sequencing
Journal of Physical Chemistry C 112, 3456-3459 (2008)
- C. Moysés Araújo, Ralph H. Scheicher, and Rajeev Ahuja
Thermodynamic analysis of hydrogen sorption reactions in Li-Mg-N-H systems
Applied Physics Letters 92, 021907 (2008)
- Chunhui Liu, Haiying He, Ralph H. Scheicher, Ravindra Pandey, and Saber Hussain
Interaction of nanomaterials with biological molecules: Manganese and dopamine
IEEE, International Nanoelectronics Conference 1-3, 1080-1082 (2008)
- K. Ramani Lata, N. Sahoo, Archana Dubey, R. H. Scheicher, S. R. Badu, R. H. Pink, Dip N. Mahato, A. F. Schulte, H. P. Saha, N. B. Maharjan, Lee Chow, and T. P. Das
Investigation of the hyperfine properties of deoxy hemoglobin based on its electronic structure obtained by Hartree-Fock-Roothan procedure
Hyperfine Interactions 181, 75-80 (2008)
- Dip N. Mahato, Archana Dubey, R. H. Pink, R. H. Scheicher, S. R. Badu, K. Nagamine, E. Torikai, H. P. Saha, Lee Chow, M. B. Huang, and T. P. Das
Theoretical investigation of nuclear quadrupole interactions in DNA at first-principles level
Hyperfine Interactions 181, 81-86 (2008)
- R. H. Pink, S. R. Badu, A. Dubey, R. H. Scheicher, J. Jeong, S. R. Byahut, L. Chow, M. B. Huang, and T. P. Das
First Principles Hartree‐Fock Cluster Study of Very Dilute Transition Metal And Rare‐Earth Ion Systems In Silicon
AIP Conference Proceedings 1003, 235-244 (2008)
- C. Moysés Araújo, Ralph H. Scheicher, Puru Jena, and Rajeev Ahuja
On the structural and energetic properties of the hydrogen absorber Li2Mg(NH)2
Applied Physics Letters 91, 091924 (2007)
- S. Gowtham, Ralph H. Scheicher, Rajeev Ahuja, Ravindra Pandey, and Shashi P. Karna
Physisorption of nucleobases on graphene: Density-functional calculations
Physical Review B 76, 033401 (2007)
- Junho Jeong, Sitaram Byahut, R. H. Pink, R. H. Scheicher, M. B. Huang, Lee Chow, D. R. Mishra, M. M. Aryal, N. B. Maharjan, D. D. Paudyal, and T. P. Das
First-principles study of location of Er3+ ion-relationship to understanding of hyperfine interactions in the optoelectronic erbium-silicon system
Hyperfine Interactions 178, 51-56 (2007)
- Dip N. Mahato, R. H. Pink, S. R. Badu, R. H. Scheicher, Archana Dubey, H. P. Saha, Lee Chow, Mahendra K. Mahanti, M. B. Huang, and T. P. Das
First principles study of nuclear quadrupole interactions in the molecular solid BF3 and the nature of binding between the molecules
Hyperfine Interactions 176, 15-20 (2007)
- R. H. Pink, Archana Dubey, Dip N. Mahato, S. R. Badu, R. H. Scheicher, Mahendra K. Mahanti, M. B. Huang, H. P. Saha, Lee Chow, and T. P. Das
Theory of electronic structure and nuclear quadrupole interactions in the BF3-NH3 complex and methyl derivatives
Hyperfine Interactions 176, 39-44 (2007)
- Archana Dubey, H. P. Saha, R. H. Pink, S. R. Badu, Dip N. Mahato, R. H. Scheicher, Mahendra K. Mahanti, Lee Chow, and T. P. Das
Nuclear quadrupole interactions and electronic structure of BF3∙H2O complex
Hyperfine Interactions 176, 45-50 (2007)
- M. M. Aryal, D. R. Mishra, D. Paudyal, S. Byahut, N. B. Maharjan, N. P. Adhikari, R. H. Scheicher, Junho Jeong, S. R. Badu, R. H. Pink, Lee Chow, and T. P. Das
Understanding of nuclear quadrupole interactions of 35Cl, 79Br and 129I and binding energies of solid halogens at first-principles level
Hyperfine Interactions 176, 51-57 (2007)
- Kanetada Nagamine, Koichiro Shimomura, Haruo Miyadera, Yong-Jae Kim, Ralph Hendrik Scheicher, Tara Prasad Das, and Jerome Samson Schultz
Hemoglobin magnetism in aqueous solution probed by muon spin relaxation and future applications to brain research
Proceedings of the Japan Academy B 83, 120-126 (2007)
- R. H. Scheicher, T. P. Das, E. Torikai, F. L. Pratt, and K. Nagamine
First-principles study of muonium in A- and B-form DNA
Physica B 374-375, 448-450 (2006)
- R. H. Scheicher, E. Torikai, F. L. Pratt, K. Nagamine, and T. P. Das
Comparative theoretical study of hyperfine interactions of muonium in A- and B-form DNA
Hyperfine Interactions 158, 53-57 (2004)
- R. H. Scheicher, D. Cammarere, N. Sahoo, T. M. Briere, F. L. Pratt, K. Nagamine, and T. P. Das
First-principles study of muon and muonium trapping in the protein chain of cytochrome c
Physica B 326, 30-33 (2003)
- R. H. Scheicher, D. Cammarere, N. Sahoo, K. Nagamine, and T. P. Das
Theory of 14N and 17O Nuclear Quadrupole Interactions in Polyglycine and Glycine in the Protein Chain of Cytochrome c
Zeitschrift für Naturforschung A 57, 523-526 (2002)
- R. H. Scheicher, D. Cammarere, N. Sahoo, K. Nagamine, and T. P. Das
Theory of 14N and 17O Nuclear Quadrupole Interactions in the Single Amino Acids Occurring in the Protein Chain of Cytochrome c
Zeitschrift für Naturforschung A 57, 532-536 (2002)
- R. H. Scheicher, A. N. U. Roy, T. P. Das, K. Ishida, T. Matsuzaki, S. N. Nakamura, N. Kawamura, and K. Nagamine
Theory for Relative Strengths of Trapping of He+ Ions in Solid, Liquid and Gaseous Hydrogen
Hyperfine Interactions 138, 387-395 (2001)
- R. H. Scheicher, T. P. Das, K. Ishida, T. Matsuzaki, S. N. Nakamura, N. Kawamura, and K. Nagamine
Theory of Isotope Effects on He+ Trapping in Solid Hydrogen
Hyperfine Interactions 138, 427-430 (2001)
- R. H. Scheicher, T. P. Das, K. Ishida, T. Matsuzaki, S. N. Nakamura, N. Kawamura, and K. Nagamine
Ab Initio Investigation of Helium Bubble Formation from Trapped He+ Ions in Solid Hydrogen
Hyperfine Interactions 138, 431-434 (2001)
- R. H. Scheicher, D. Cammarere, T. M. Briere, N. Sahoo, T. P. Das, F. L. Pratt, and K. Nagamine
First-Principles Theory of Muon and Muonium Trapping in the Protein Chain of Cytochrome c and Associated Hyperfine Interactions
Hyperfine Interactions 136, 755-758 (2001)
- D. Cammarere, R. H. Scheicher, T. M. Briere, N. Sahoo, T. P. Das, F. L. Pratt, and K. Nagamine
Theoretical Study of Trapping Sites for Muon in the Heme Group of Cytochrome c and Associated Shifts in Muon Spin Relaxation Frequencies
Hyperfine Interactions 136, 759-762 (2001)
- D. Cammarere, R. H. Scheicher, N. Sahoo, T. P. Das, and K. Nagamine
First-principle determination of muon and muonium trapping sites in horse heart cytochrome c and investigation of magnetic hyperfine properties
Physica B 289-290, 636-639 (2000)