Duo Wang

M.S., Materials Engineering, Tsinghua University, China
B.S., Materials Science and Engineering, Heilongjiang University of Science and Technology, China

Phone number: +46 0790588661 Email: duo.wang@physics.uu.se

My PhD project is ‘Magnetization & Polarization Dynamics in Multiferroic Oxides’, it aims to develop theoretical methods to combine both dynamics by ab-initio electronic structure methods and atomistic spin dynamics to study the dependence of order parameters. And recently I am doing some calculations about spin- spiral state in FCC-Fe, which shows structural instability depending on the magnetic structure indicating magnon-phonon interactions.
I like all the beautiful things. I would like to go hiking, camping and taking photos once I have the chance.

Yi Shen, Yongfang Zhou, Duo Wang, Xi Wu, et al., Adv. Energy Mater. 2017, 1701759