Bo Yang

Name: Bo Yang, visiting phD student in Uppsala University (2017.10.12~2018.10.12) & phD student in Shandong University, China

Email: (Sweden), (China)

Mobile Phone: +46(0)790111249, +86 15665703963(China)

Research interest: Design of 2D and 3D structure, study the electrical, magnetic, mechanical and Dirac properties, study on regulation of properties of materials. Software: VASP, Wannier90, Wannier Tools, Phonopy


Published four papers as first author and five papers as co-author.

List of published papers as first author:

  1. Dirac node lines in two-dimensional Lieb lattices, Nanoscale, 2017, 9, 8740 (IF=7.233)
  2. Dirac cones and highly anisotropic electronic structure of super-graphyne, Carbon, 2017, 113, 40-45 (IF=7.082)
  3. Electron spin-polarization and band gap engineering in carbon-modified graphitic carbon nitrides, Journal ofMaterials Chemistry C, 2015, 3, 10886 (IF=5.976)
  4. Promising half-metallicity in ductile NbF3: a first-principles prediction, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys, 2018, 20, 4781 (IF=4.123)