Annica Black-Schaffer received her Ph.D. from Stanford University in the fall of 2009 and then moved to Nordita, the Nordic Institute for Theoretical Physics, as a postdoctoral fellow. After securing an assistant professor fellowship from the Swedish Research Council (VR) in 2010 she joined Uppsala University, where she was promoted to Full Professor in 2017. Beyond leading her own research group, she is also the head of the Quantum Matter Theory research program.
Selected grants and awards
- Wallenberg Scholar, 2024-2030
- The Rudbeck Medal, Uppsala University, 2023
- European Research Council (ERC) Consolidator Grant, 2022-2028
- Swedish Research Council (VR) Consolidator Grant, 2023-2027
- Wallenberg Academy Fellow, including prolongation, 2014-2025
- European Research Council (ERC) Starting Grant, 2017-2023
- Swedish Research Council (VR) project grants, 2014-2018, 2018-2022
- American Physical Society (APS) Outstanding Referee, 2017
- L’Oréal-UNESCO For Women In Science Prize Sweden, 2016
- Göran Gustafsson Grand prize for young researchers, 2014
- Career development grant, Swedish Foundation for Strategic Research (SSF), 2014-2019
- The Benzelius Award, Royal Society of Sciences Uppsala, 2013
- Göran Gustafsson prize for young researchers, 2012
- VR assistant professor fellowship, 2010-2016